
Our classrooms are the dynamic, thriving marine environments of the southern New England coast. 暑期海洋项目的学生将学习海岸生态系统, 食物网, 海洋生产力, 沿海地区的动植物, 海洋生物学的时事和更多.


该项目包括住宿, 餐, 指令, 材料, 实验室的使用, 设备和实地考察.

  • 学习海洋采样技术
  • 乘坐海上皮艇探索海湾生态系统
  • 沿着屏障海滩和潮汐池浮潜
  • 在科德角乘船游览时观赏鲸鱼
  • 识别海洋生物
  • 每天都有机会在水里或水上

Field trips are complemented by challenging laboratory demonstrations and experiments. 典型的主题包括:

  • 浮游生物采样
  • 贝类和鱼类生物学
  • 生产力研究

Recognized experts will present guest seminars on current topics in marine biology. 以前的演讲包括:

  • 海洋哺乳动物保护
  • 外来入侵物种
  • 过度捕捞
  • 有毒浮游生物大量繁殖
  • 水产养殖


High school students aged 15-17 with an interest in the aquatic sciences are welcome to apply to the program. 每次会议由一名学院主任领导, 两名营区主任, 以及三名与参与者一起住在宿舍的住宿助理. 讲座和其他活动由我们优秀的教师领导. 这个项目的费用是1美元,400, 包括住宿, 餐, 指令, 材料, 实验室的使用, 设备和实地考察.

A $200 deposit is due with the application; full payment is due by June 1, 2024.


请注意,我们建议参加夏令营的人接种Covid-19疫苗. Health forms are currently being updated and will be emailed to registrants once they are available.




The 罗德岛州 coast is an outstanding location for marine science 教育. Within a short boat ride or drive are perhaps the best examples of rocky intertidal, 潮池, 美国东海岸的盐池和屏障海滩栖息地.

The Summer 海洋生物学 Field Studies Program uses the state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities of the Marine and Natural Sciences Building. 学生们将在3000平方英尺的现代化实验室里进行实验研究. ft. 有流动海水的潮湿实验室. 延伸200英尺的学习平台. 到太. 希望湾支持许多其他项目活动. 科考船可作实地考察和抽样.

Summer Field Program students reside, double occupancy, in a contemporary, waterside residence hall. 饭菜在我们现代化的校园餐饮中心供应. 娱乐设施可供业余休闲.


RWU教职员工的个人关注是我们项目的一个标志. Enrollment is limited to 18 per session, ensuring each student is fully challenged.

Outstanding current Roger Williams University marine biology students serve as Resident 工作人员. 学生每天24小时受到监督.


的风景, 140英亩的海滨校园位于历史悠久的海港小镇布里斯托尔, 罗德岛州. Roger Williams University offers a wide range of liberal arts majors including an exceptional program in 海洋生物学 and professional programs in architecture, 业务, 教育, 工程, 保护历史古迹, 司法研究与法律.

体育选项, 众多的俱乐部和组织, and community-enrichment opportunities enhance the experiences of students who come to the University from across the country and throughout the world to explore, 学习和成功.

如有疑问,请联系Dr. 蒂莫西·斯科特: tscott@dh865.com; (401) 254-3563.


i. 谁应该申请海洋生物营?
这个夏令营非常适合喜欢科学的好奇学生, 有兴趣在大学学习海洋科学的同学, 还有喜欢在水里和水上探索的学生. 海洋生物学 camp at RWU is an engaging experience designed to expose high school students to the bounty and variety of marine life in and around RI, by learning standard sampling and observation methods in oceanography and marine biology. Students will participate in field and laboratory activities that are similar in scope to learning activities of first year college students majoring in 海洋生物学 at RWU. 在大多数日子里, there are field and/or laboratory activities in the morning and afternoon (with breaks for 餐), 之后是RWU海洋专家的客座讲座.

ii. 谁不应该申请海洋生物夏令营?
This camp is not a good fit for students that are uneasy around the water or that do not have a genuine interest in science, 或者更具体地说,是海洋生物学.

Please笔记露营者有时报告说,“我的父母让我这样做.对那些学生来说, 海洋生物学 camp rarely resonates in the ways that parents might be hoping. Please consider the interest of your child before signing them up for this camp; if they are not interested, 请不要占用其他真正感兴趣的露营者的空间, and for creating an avoidably challenging situation that impacts the experience of other campers.

If你有问题或者你的孩子不确定, 请和Brian Wysor谈谈, 生物学系主任兼系主任, 海洋生物学 & 环境科学@ RWU (bwysor@dh865.com; 401-254-3014) because this camp is a great way to evaluate interests in the field of marine biology, and of course we hope it inspires students to pursue their passions and curiosities.

3. 你能帮我的露营者从机场到RWU吗?
No. RWU does not provide support for travel to/from the airport and cannot house students outside of the specific dates of the camp for which they are registered. 注意,大多数家长/监护人会自己把露营车送过来.

iv. 国际学生有资格参加吗?
RWU并不局限于美国公民, but we recognize that the coordination of travel for international participants is more complicated than that of participants arriving by car. RWU does not provide support for travel to/from the airport and cannot house students outside of the specific dates of the camp for which they are registered. With the understanding that the RWU 海洋生物学 program supports campers only for the duration of the camp and not at any time leading up to the start or any time after the official end of the camp, 欢迎你的申请.

v. 如果露营者的COVID检测呈阳性会发生什么?
We are realistic about the possibility that COVID could impact camp experiences and while we are confident that we can offer a safe and fulfilling experience, we will be transparent about changes that are driven by COVID or other health and safety concerns. RWU COVID政策

需要接送您的学生往返机场? 以下是一些当地的汽车服务.

Fairview运输公司- 401-338-6968
东湾运输- 401-787-1289
随时随地- 401-527-3530